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The Paleo Effect: 150 All-Natural Recipes for a Grain-Free, Dairy-Free Lifestyle

Meghan Little and Angel Ayala Torres


With the overwhelming number of frozen dinners and processed foods that line our grocery store aisles, it’s easy to see how we’ve forgotten what “real food” tastes like. Our bodies are left undernourished as our weight rapidly increases, while words like “diabetes” and “obesity” flood the media. The time has come to embrace a new lifestyle, not another diet: a lifestyle where the foods we consume are not based on calories or points, but instead on pure ingredients that our bodies need.

It’s time for a healthier you with the The Paleo Effect. Authors and bloggers Meghan Little and Angel Ayala Torres share with us simple, wholesome recipes free of dairy, grains, and processed sugars and fats. Join the Paleo revolution and relearn how to nourish your body! Say good-bye to the processed life that has left so many overweight, malnourished, and sick; and say hello to increased energy, weight loss, a healthier immune system, and so much more!

Check out some of these Paleo lifestyle flavor-packed recipes:

  • Wild caught salmon with mashed sweet potatoes
  • Puerto Rican arañitas, a fried green plantain appetizer
  • Grain-free, dairy-free blueberry muffins
  • Chicken pot pie, a grain-free comfort food

Make The Paleo Effect your go-to guide with over 150 recipes and full-color photographs, as well as a full array of how-to guides, quick tips, and seasonal eating recommendations. It’s time to relearn how to cook the way Mother Nature intended with The Paleo Effect.

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Skyhorse Publishing

Publication Date

October 1, 2013

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About the Author

Meghan Little is a cofounder of the blog Paleo Effect. After taking up barefoot running, she decided it was time for a lifestyle change. She had always been active, but never really considered what she was putting in her body. Enter the Paleo diet–a natural approach that allows your body to be in perfect harmony with nature. Little has been a passionate cook and Paleo practitioner since 2010. She resides in Atlantic Beach, Florida.

Angel Ayala Torres is a cofounder of the blog Paleo Effect. Ayala has been living and blogging an active Paleo lifestyle since 2010, sharing with others how they, too, can make this life-altering change. After adapting the Paleo diet, Ayala enjoyed an improved quality of life, while shedding a few unwanted pounds. Here he shares his experiences to guide others towards a happy, healthier lifestyle. Torres resides in Atlantic Beach, Florida.


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